Sunday, January 22, 2012


A very informative WIMBA session.

Here re my answers to the questions asked:

How is the Art of Possibility different from the Power of Positive Thinking or Oprah's "The Secret"?

The Art of Possibility discusses ways of changing your own attitude to improve others...whereas The Secret discusses ways of changing the way the "UNIVERSE" thinks about you to improve YOUR life. Having seen "The Secret" I would have to say that the Art of Possibility is a better way of looking at how to change, because it helps you change others as opposed to yourself.

What chapter meant the most to you and why?

 Two chapters stood out to me. The first one was "Giving An A". I enjoyed this chapter because that is the philosophy that my Unified Arts team has created. Each student starts with an A and can go up to an A+ or go down. The stipulations to going up or down is attitude and effort.

The second chapter was Giving Way To Passion. As a musical director and a singer, I see what drives my singers and friends to do better. Same thing for my students. You give them praise, they appreciate it. A gentlemen I had the pleasure of seeing talk live was Dr. Tom Steiner. He had an idea that fits perfectly into this chapter's philosophy. His thought was to have...and I quote...have a mediocrity parade.

My chorus members know when I am happy...they sing a key change correctly the first time -- I CHEER THEM ON! They sing completely in-tune for a full song--I CHEER THEM ON!

Imagine if we all celebrated the little things as if they were big things. It would make the big things bigger.

What things are you going to take from the reading and use in your teaching and your life?

I hope to continually remember to celebrate the small things...and always remember -- RULE #6!

1 comment:

  1. Great responses. I know that I joke around, but I often feel like I do take myself too seriously... It's something to work on.
