Sunday, January 8, 2012

MAC Week 1-1: Reading Post -- COPYRIGHT INFO

The reading materials for this week were very informative. As a music educator, I feel it was very important to know the length of time a song has copyright. As an arranger and composer, I appreciate copyright law because it protects my works from being copied. It is very expensive, but if you have a song, artwork, or book that you wrote and feel passionate about, it is essential for your protection.

However, for the copyright time to go from 14 years to a lifetime plus 70 years was a shock. I had no idea about Fair Use or Creative Commons, but those would seems very useful for mixing songs together to teach about different subject types, if used correctly.

The “Fair-y Use Tale” video was very creative and showed a good example of how to correctly use copyrighted material to teach. It also gave good examples of Parody, News Reporting and Critical Comment. But remember that “Fair use is not a right, but a legal defensible position”.


  1. Joe, I like the way you personalized the copyright information to apply it to your area of expertise. As a music educator, I'm sure that you will use and share this information on a regular basis. I believe that, because you viewed the information with application to your field in mind, the information will be more easily accessible to you whenever you need it.

  2. great overview of the information on copyright, fair use and creative commons. It is so important that we work with understand and work to fix this broken system.
