Sunday, January 15, 2012

MAC Week 2-4: Leadership Post 2

To Present or To Publish?!?

As a performer, I prefer to present. I feel that I better express myself when I am able to talk face-to-face with persons. I have had the benefit of presenting multiple times as a director teaching music theory to others who have not had training in music theory, so I know I am comfortable presenting.

My first preference would be to present at the CT Music Educators Conference. However, their conference is in April, so all of their session are chosen for 2012, so I will try for 2013. The other place I would enjoy presenting this project of incorporating technology into music classroom would be at Harmony University set up by the Barbershop Harmony Society, which would open this presentation up to a possible 30,000+ members from all over the world.

Think big, dream big, go big!

1 comment:

  1. Good choice, make sure you have a plan B conference that you can submit to between now and week 3 of month 12 to get credit for the Leadership Project next month.
