Sunday, January 29, 2012

MAC Week 4-4: Leadership Post

My plans are to present at the CMEA Music Conference in 2013. CMEA stands for CT Music Educators Association. It encompasses the music educators from all school districts in the state of CT from Kindergarten all the way up to grade 12. Each region meets in January, and then all regions meet together for an in-service day in mid-April.

I would laos like to present this on a different level to the NorthEastern District of the Barbershop Harmony Society. This district encompasses all states in New England (ME, MA, CT, RI, NH, VT) Eastern NY and Eastern Canada.

Links for leadership posts:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Link for presentation:


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful project. Love the authentic artwork and spirit of the presentation. Good luck.
